Infographic Category Social Media

The Science of Social Timing

By | source: Feb 11th, 2014

Let’s be honest — likes feel good, retweets feel good, the virtual world’s affirmations of — “Hey dude, you rock! Here’s a white number in a red box to let you know we care!” — feel great in the ever increasing digital world we live in.

Wait, that’s really sad — I can’t believe I’m saying this, maybe we should re-consider the ramifications of social conditioning through social med — Holy shit! Look at all these likes my Instagram photo got! — Now what was I talking about?

In all seriousness though, many of you have probably experienced the pain of not getting love on a post you thought was pure gold. Maybe you really ‘zang’ some politician, or put that cocky reality star on blast. So you post. Half an hour passes, 2 hours, 3 hoursâ?¦ “Three likes?! How do I only have three likes?! That post was interesting, witty, hip, what went wrong?” You idiot! You posted at 2:00 pm, who is on Facebook at 2:00 pm? Nobody (or at least nobody employed). Pretty soon your post will be removed from everyone’s news feed due to lack of traffic, and wind up in the Facebook graveyard along with grandma posts and your high-school friend’s Crossfit photos.

Look, if you’re just boring, dull and uninteresting — none of this will help you. I’m sorry. But, if you aren’t those things, (and if you’re reading this, you’re not! Yay!) give this infographic a look, and get the most out of your social media activities. [Via]