Unfortunately for me today’s infographic Making the most of Summer Travel does nothing more than make me envious of everyone who gets to take a Summer Vacation this season. Having recently graduated and accepted a full time job my summer has been nothing but work and school. The one fun thing I have done this Summer is enjoy the amazing experience that is Bonnaroo so I guess I can’t complain about that. Anyway enough about me let’s get to today’s infographic. For those of you lucky enough to get out of the house and away from the ol’ job please enjoy a National Park on my behalf. We’ve got 58 national parks here in the U.S. one of which includes a 2,000 year old redwood. This tree can be found in California’s Redwood National Park.
What are some of the more popular places people are looking to go this Summer? Those U.S. destinations would include Hoover Dam, Mall of America, Navy Pier, Times Square, The White House, Disney World, Graceland, Legoland, Disneyland, and The Golden Gate Bridge. How many of these places have ya’ll visited? I hope you all find today’s infographic informative and don’t forget to share. [via]
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