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10 Different Types Of Beef Cuts That You Must Know About

By | source:Here Dec 4th, 2023

There are many different types of beef cuts that you need to know about. Some people may not realize how important it is to know the difference between a sirloin and a short loin, but if you want to be able to pick out the right cut of meat for your recipe, it’s important that you understand each type’s unique qualities. In this article, we will cover 10 different types of beef cuts so that you can learn more about them!

1. Ribs

Ribs are one of the most popular cuts of beef, and for good reason: they’re delicious. Ribs are also known as short ribs and can be found in supermarkets or grocery stores. They’re cut from the rib primal–the meaty part of an animal’s back that includes both sides of its spine–and sold bone-in or boneless. Ribs are usually cooked by braising, grilling or barbecuing; however they’re prepared, they have a lot going on flavor-wise!


Chuck is a cut of meat from the shoulder of the cow, and it is a very popular cut in the U.S. Chuck comes from where your cow’s neck meets its shoulder blade. It also has two different names: Boston butt or blade roast. The chuck has many muscles that work hard at moving their head around, so this results in a very tough piece of meat (which is why most people don’t want to eat it). However, there are some parts where you can find tenderness if prepared properly!

3. Brisket

Brisket is a cut of beef from the breast or lower chest, and upper foreleg, of a cow. Brisket is the most commonly used cut of beef in barbecue and is known for its rich flavor and tenderness when cooked properly. The brisket has two separate muscles:

  • flat (or first) cut – located on top of the animal’s ribs; this section may be sold separately as “plate” or “flat” brisket
  • point (or second) cut – located underneath flat cut; also referred to as “nose” or “point”.

4. Shank

The shank is the lower portion of the leg. It’s divided into two parts: foreshank and hindshank. The foreshank is closer to the shoulder, while the hindshank is closer to your hip. The hindshank is usually larger than its counterpart and has more connective tissue, which makes it tougher and less tender than other cuts from beef such as sirloin or ribeye steaks.

5. Short Plate

The short plate is the last section of the rib primal, which means it comes from the right side of an animal’s rib cage. It also happens to be one of my favorite cuts! This cut has some great marbling (fat) running through it, making it incredibly flavorful and tender when cooked properly. The short plate can be used for braising or pot roasting because its shape lends itself well to quick cooking methods like these. I love using my slow cooker when cooking this cut because it allows me to add other ingredients like vegetables and seasonings without worrying about them burning at high temperatures over long periods of time like on stovetop methods would require you do do so yourself manually throughout each step involved in preparing said dish — no more burnt fingers here!

6. Flank

The flank steak is cut from the abdominal muscles of the cow, and it’s one of the leanest cuts you can buy. However, that doesn’t mean it’s tasteless! Flank steaks have a lot of flavor and work well for grilling or braising. Flank steak has a long grain, so if you’re looking for something with more tenderness than other cuts like skirt steak or hanger steak then this might be a good choice for you.

7. Sirloin

Sirloin is a cut of beef from the hip of the cow. It’s a lean meat, with a lot of connective tissue and fat. Sirloin is best grilled, roasted or broiled to bring out its full flavor.

8. Tenderloin

Tenderloin is a small, tapered muscle that lies under the backbone. It’s one of the tenderest cuts of beef and considered to be the best cut for grilling because it has little marbling (fat). Tenderloin also has a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart health. The tenderloin is usually sold whole or as part of a trimmed steak (called filet mignon). If you’re buying whole tenderloins, look for ones that are pinkish red in color with no discoloration or bruises on them; these indicate spoilage or mishandling during transport from farm to market.

9. Short Loin

The short loin is the most tender and most expensive part of the cow. It includes the sirloin, which is located between the hip and shoulder blade, and the tenderloin (also known as filet mignon), which is a small muscle that runs along each side of this area. The short loin can be cut into several different kinds of steaks:

  • Ribeye steak–this cut comes from this section and has a bone-in ribeye roast attached to it; it’s generally considered one of the best steaks you can get because it’s so flavorful and tender!
  • New York strip steak–this cut has no bone but still has lots of fat marbling throughout its meat; it’s also known as Kansas City Strip Steak because there are many restaurants in Kansas City that specialize in serving this type of meat dish!

10. Round

Round is the most common and least expensive beef cut. It’s also the most versatile, since it can be used for slow cooking, roasting and stewing. Round cuts are great for ground beef as well.

In this article, we have looked at the different types of beef cuts and their uses. We hope that you now have a better understanding of what these cuts are, where they come from and how they can be cooked.