Infographic Category Education

10 Steps To A Healthy Self-Determined Morning Routine

By | source:Here Jul 29th, 2023

Everybody knows that the morning is the most productive time of day. It’s when you have all the time in the world to get things done and make a start on your day. However, it can also be a challenge to get out of bed in the morning and make this productivity happen. You might find yourself hitting snooze yet again or rushing through your morning routine because there are just so many things to do. If this sounds like you (and who hasn’t been there?), then read on! I’m going to list 10 steps that will help you build a healthy self-determined morning routine that will help you start off each day feeling refreshed and ready for anything life throws at you.

Step 1: Morning Light

The first step to building a healthy morning routine is getting the right amount of light. Light is the most important factor in waking up your body’s internal clock, which helps regulate sleep cycles and circadian rhythms. The best way to get morning light is by being exposed to it as soon as possible after waking up (or even before). If you can’t do this at home or work, then get outside as soon as possible after waking up! The sun provides us with natural Vitamin D which helps our bodies stay healthy–plus it feels good on our skin. When planning out your day ahead of time, try not to schedule anything before noon if possible–this way there will be plenty of time for your body’s circadian rhythm to kick into gear without feeling rushed off its feet by an early appointment or meeting.


Step 2: No Evening Blue Light

In addition to getting enough sleep and eating a healthy breakfast, it’s important to limit your exposure to blue light in the evening. Blue light can disrupt circadian rhythms and melatonin production, which will make it harder for you to fall asleep at night. It’s not just the amount of time spent staring at your phone or computer screen that matters–the intensity of the light matters as well! The more intense the light from your devices (or any other source), the more likely it is that they’ll interfere with your ability to sleep soundly at night. If possible, try turning off all screens one hour before bedtime and wearing blue blocking glasses when using electronics during this time period; this will help reduce the amount of blue light entering into your eyes so that there isn’t any left over when trying get some restful shut-eye later on in life.


Step 3: Dim Lights in the Evening

Blue light is a form of light pollution, which disrupts your circadian rhythm and can cause you to feel like you’re awake when it’s actually time for bed (and vice versa). To avoid this problem, dim all lights in your home an hour before bedtime and try not to use any screens with a blue hue after the sun goes down.


Step 4: Short Burst of Exercise

Exercise can be in many forms, but it may be best to start with something short and intense. If you are new to exercise, begin by doing something like a few minutes of yoga or tai chi, or even just standing up and stretching. Or try a quick workout video on YouTube!


Step 5. Cold Treatment

Cold treatment is a great way to wake up and get your metabolism going. The cold water will make your body work harder to warm itself up, which means it needs more fuel (food) than usual. If you’re looking for an easy way to do this, try taking a cold shower or bath in the morning. If that’s too much for you, use an ice pack on your neck or back while getting ready for work instead! You can also try drinking ice water throughout the day instead of normal water–it’ll help keep things cool inside as well! Don’t feel like doing it every day? That’s fine too! Just try doing one session every few days–it’ll still do wonders for boosting energy levels!


Step 6. Limit Smartphone Use

You can use your phone in the morning and evening, but not during the day when you’re trying to focus on other tasks. Don’t use it as an alarm clock, flashlight or mirror–and definitely don’t take pictures with it!


Step 7. Reward Yourself

Once you’ve established your morning routine, it’s important to reward yourself for sticking to it. This can be as simple as buying yourself a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. It could also mean rewarding yourself with a massage or other self-care activity after work if you’ve been consistent with your morning routine. Rewarding yourself is an important part of creating healthy habits because it helps build positive associations within your brain that reinforce good behavior over time.


Step 8. Morning Routine

Your morning routine should be something that works for you, but there are a few things that are common to most of us. Eat breakfast (or, at the very least, drink some water). Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day because it gets your metabolism going and fuels your brain for learning throughout the day. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces cravings later in the day. Try having oatmeal or smoothies with fruit as a base; these foods are easy on digestion so they’re less likely to cause stomach issues or make you feel hungry later when they sit in there too long! Be sure to add healthy fats like avocado or nuts into any smoothie recipe if possible! Drink plenty of water–this helps keep skin hydrated which makes it look better naturally over time without having to rely on expensive products sold by companies who just want money from their customers rather than helping them achieve real results through natural means (like drinking plenty of fluids each day).


Step 9. Evening Routine

Set a bedtime. If you’re not sleeping enough, it’s time to change that. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning (or as close as you can get). Keep your bedroom dark and cool. The darker it is in your room, the more melatonin will be released by your pineal gland–a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles by telling you when it’s time for sleep and when it’s time to wake up! You can also use blackout curtains or an eye mask if necessary.


Step 10. Define A Goal

The last step of your morning routine is to define a goal. For example, you could write down “I want to go running every day this week.” Or, “I will read one chapter in my book every night before bed.” Your goal should be something that is attainable but challenging enough for you to feel like you’re accomplishing something at the end of the day if you follow through with it! This step is important because it helps keep your mind focused on what matters most: achieving your goals! When we look back on our days and see how far we’ve come, we feel empowered by our accomplishments–and this feeling motivates us even more moving forward into tomorrow’s adventure (which may include defining new goals).


If you’re feeling tired and unmotivated, try implementing one or two of these tips into your routine. As long as you’re willing to make changes, there’s no reason why they won’t work for you!