Infographic Category Education

20 Simple Habits To Simplify your Life

By | source:Here Sep 4th, 2023

You don’t need to be a minimalist to live a simpler life. You just need to get organized and declutter your home so you can spend more time doing the things that matter most. Whether you’re looking for simple lifestyle hacks or tips on how to throw out everything in your fridge without worrying about food going bad, we’ve got the answers right here:

Plan Your Meals

Planning your meals is one of the best ways to simplify your life. It’s much easier to stick to a plan than it is to make decisions on the fly, so if you have a meal planned out for every day, then you know exactly what you’re going to be eating. This will also help save money and eat healthier because if something comes up or someone invites you out at the last minute, then all they have to do is grab something from their fridge instead of running around town looking for something good enough for them.


Declutter Your Home

Get rid of things you don’t use, need or like. Don’t keep things you don’t love and will never use again. Don’t keep things that remind you of something unpleasant in your life (like an ex-boyfriend’s sweater). And finally, don’t keep items that are just waiting for the right moment when they’ll be useful again, because chances are slim to none that it will happen!


Say No and Own It

Saying “no” is one of the most powerful tools you can use to simplify your life. It’s important that we learn how to say no, especially when someone asks us for something that we don’t want or need. Saying no will help us avoid being overwhelmed by tasks, obligations and commitments that are not in our best interest or control. If you find yourself saying yes too often without thinking about whether or not it will benefit your overall health, happiness and well-being then it’s time for some self-reflection on where your priorities lie!


Your Clothes

Keep it simple with a capsule wardrobe. Capsule wardrobes are collections of clothes that you love, wear often and can mix-and-match to create multiple outfits. They help you keep your wardrobe organized and make the most out of the pieces in your closet. Buy clothes that match. Before buying anything new, ask yourself how many times a week or month will I wear this? If it’s more than twice per season (about once every two months), then pass on that purchase! Organize your clothes by color or type instead of drawer size so they’re easier to find when getting dressed each morning — especially if you have kids who like playing dress up! Keep dirty laundry separate from clean laundry so everyone knows where their stuff is at all times! This simple step helps keep our homes neat & tidy–which means less time spent cleaning up later on down the road too.


Paper Clutter

When it comes to paper clutter, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. You have papers everywhere–in your office, on the kitchen counter and even in your car. If you don’t take action now and get rid of them, they will continue to accumulate until they take over your life. The good news is that there are some simple steps that can help you declutter your paper clutter. Start by creating a plan for getting rid of old documents as soon as possible so that they don’t pile up in the first place (and if you do end up with some extra papers lying around from time-to-time), use a shredder to destroy them immediately instead of letting them sit around waiting for someone else who might come along later down the road like some kind of unwanted guest at an awkward wedding reception full of strangers who won’t stop talking about themselves!


Keep Your Home Tidy

Keeping your home tidy and clean is an important part of simplifying your life. This can be a challenge, especially if you have a family or roommates who don’t share the same views on cleanliness as you do. To start, make sure that everyone in the household understands what is expected of them when it comes to keeping their rooms clean and tidy. If they don’t comply with these rules then there will be consequences (for example: no TV time). Also make sure that everyone has their own personal space where they can put their things away without having other people’s stuff all over the place. Finally, try not to let clutter build up in areas such as on countertops or around appliances like stoves because this makes cleaning harder and takes up space where other items could fit instead!


Your Time

Plan your day, week and month. Use an online calendar to help you plan your meals, events and appointments for the week ahead. Get up early to have time for yourself before everyone else wakes up or arrives home from work/school/etc., so that when they do get there they’ll find you ready to spend time with them rather than feeling frazzled by all of their demands on your time (and energy). Don’t forget that even though this habit may seem like it’s just about making sure everyone gets what they want out of life, it also means less stress on yourself!


Your Finances

Make a budget. Pay off debt and save money for emergencies, not on impulse purchases or vacations that you don’t need. Invest in yourself by learning new skills and building your network, so that you can be more productive professionally, earn more money and be happier at work (or whatever else matters to you). Save for retirement! This is an especially important habit if you are young, but it’s never too late to start saving — even if it means contributing just $5 per week into an IRA account or 401(k) plan through work (or opening one on your own). The sooner we start saving for retirement, the less stress we’ll feel later when our bodies are older and our budgets smaller than they were when we were younger…and hopefully there will still be plenty of time left over after paying off debt or buying a house before then anyway!


Your Evenings

If you’re like most people, your evenings are a time to relax and unwind. The day’s work is done, and now it’s time to enjoy some downtime with friends or family. But if you’re feeling stressed out at the end of the day because you didn’t manage your time well enough during the day, those evenings can quickly become stressful as well. To prevent this from happening (and give yourself more time for relaxation), try these tips; Plan ahead so that when evening rolls around, all of your responsibilities have been taken care of–or at least planned for in advance. This will allow for more flexibility as far as what activities are available for each night’s agenda without having any unnecessary stress about them coming up unexpectedly later on in the evening when everyone else is ready for bed!  Set goals for each evening based on what needs doing throughout both workdays and weekends alike; this way there won’t be any surprises when deciding what needs doing first thing Monday morning (or Sunday afternoon).


Your Mornings

Your mornings can be one of the most productive parts of your day. If you’re having trouble getting up and out the door, try setting aside some time to create a morning routine that helps you get in gear. A good morning routine can be as simple as making coffee or tea, taking a shower, getting dressed and putting on makeup (if that’s something you do). Whatever your routine looks like though, it should leave enough space for creativity so that you don’t feel like every single day is exactly the same. It’s important not only that they’re productive but also enjoyable!


Your Health & Fitness

Exercise regularly. Eat healthy. Get enough sleep every night, and stick to a bedtime schedule as much as possible! You’ll feel so much better when you wake up in the morning if you’ve gotten enough rest each night. Take time for yourself–whether that means getting out of the house for a walk or taking an hour off from work to read a book at lunchtime, carve out some time each day where it’s just about YOU and how amazing YOU are! It’s easy to get caught up in our days-to-do lists, but remember: there will always be more tasks tomorrow; today is all about taking care of YOURSELF first!


Declutter Your Mind

Decluttering your mind is an important part of simplifying your life. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of what’s important, but decluttering can help you clear out all those unnecessary thoughts so that you can focus on what matters most. You may have heard the term “decluttering” before, but not know exactly what it means or how it works. When we talk about decluttering our homes, we’re talking about getting rid of things that no longer serve any purpose or bring us joy–things like old clothes we don’t wear anymore or broken furniture that no longer serves its intended purpose in our house (like being used as a coffee table). Decluttering our minds involves a similar process: letting go of negative thoughts and feelings so we can focus on living more mindfully; this includes releasing negative beliefs about ourselves or others which might hold us back from reaching our full potential as human beings by holding us captive with fear-based thinking patterns like worry or anxiety.



Be honest and open. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings, especially if they’re negative or hurtful ones. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable; it’s okay if someone sees the real you, even if that makes them uncomfortable in the moment (and they may or may not want to stick around). It’s better than putting on an act all the time and pretending everything is fine when it isn’t! Ask for help when you need it–it doesn’t make you weak or needy; it makes you human! And who knows? Maybe those who are willing will surprise themselves at how helpful they actually can be…or maybe not! Either way, keep asking until someone says yes.


Your Self-Care

Take time to relax. You can do this by reading, meditating or taking a bath. Exercise regularly. It’s important to stay active so that you can stay healthy and feel good about yourself! Eat well by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals, low fat dairy products such as milk/yoghurt/cheese etc., lean meat such as chicken breasts etc., fish (especially oily varieties like salmon) instead of red meat every now and then if desired along with plenty of water throughout each day so there’s no need for sodas/fizzy drinks which aren’t good for anyone anyway since they contain lots of sugar which will make us gain weight over time if consumed regularly – plus soda contains phosphoric acid which damages tooth enamel leading directly towards cavities forming within our mouths if we drink these beverages too often without brushing afterwards! Also make sure not eat junk food often either because these foods have high levels cholesterol inside them which increases risk factors associated with heart disease later down line when consumed excessively over long periods without exercising regularly too.


Get Organized

Plan your week ahead. Make a list of things you need to do for the week, such as work, school, errands and chores around the house or apartment (like cleaning). If there are any tasks that can be done on Sunday night rather than Monday morning (e.g., ironing clothes), put those at the top of your list so they’re ready when you wake up in the morning! Set aside time each day during which nothing else gets done except what’s on this list–no Netflix marathons or Facebook browsing allowed! If possible, try blocking out an hour block each day instead of scheduling shorter chunks of time throughout each day; this makes it much easier for our mindsets when we know exactly how long something will take without having anything else interrupting us mid-task.



The key to simplifying your life is to make it a priority. If you don’t take the time to focus on yourself or your home, then everything else will fall apart. You need to think about what makes sense for your lifestyle and then make small changes that add up over time. It’s not about doing everything at once; but rather finding a few things each day that fit into how you live normally so they become habits over time!