A lot of recent research has been done on the habits of different generations, and one trend that keeps popping up is that younger people are more likely to engage in activities like playing video games than older generations. For example, let’s look at this study by Pew Research Center:
Gen Alpha, also known as generation Z and born in the 21st century, is the first generation to have been born in this millennium. As such, they have grown up with technology and are more likely to be gamers than older generations. They’re also more likely to play online games than any other kind of video game.
If you’re a Gen Z, it’s likely that you’ve heard that your generation is the most diverse, educated, entrepreneurial and connected. But what does this mean for video game engagement? The first thing to note is that Gen Z has grown up in an age of technology where video games have become increasingly accessible to all ages. This has led them to be more engaged with digital entertainment than any other previous generation because they don’t find it strange or unusual–it’s just part of their everyday lives. Furthermore, these young adults grew up alongside social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram which allow them to communicate with friends at any time without having to leave home (or even get off the couch). This means they can play online together using voice chat while still being able to watch Netflix on another device while doing so!
Millennials are the second most engaged with video games.. They’re more likely to be playing games than watching TV, reading books or listening to music. Millennials also have a higher level of engagement than older generations: when they do play video games, they play them for longer periods of time (on average).
Gen Xers are more likely to play video games than Baby Boomers. They are less engaged with video games, but still play occasionally or regularly.
Baby Boomers are the oldest generation, and they’re also least engaged with video games. This is likely because they grew up with them and may have even been among the first to play them as children. It’s also possible that this group has more disposable income than other generations, which can make it easier for them to disengage from gaming by spending their money on other things instead of buying games (or even just paying for subscriptions).
The younger generations seem to be more engaged in video games than older generations.