Advice on how to improve your life isn’t hard to find. However, applying those tips can get tricky. Maybe it’s because you lack accountability. Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by how much you want to change. Either way, a lot of us end up giving up and forgetting about our goals.
Have you have kept up with your New Years Resolutions? With guilt, but not much surprise, I admit that I haven’t focused on my resolutions. Instead, I’ve shifted back to my old habits. But that doesn’t mean I’ll give up now; I still want to be a better version of myself this year—you should too!
Although there are 1000s of self-help books available these days, here’s a quick infographic that merely lays out the areas in your life that you can improve on. I suggest choosing at least 3 tips that you feel you struggle the most with, and being intentional on practicing them. Keep a journal or find a friend who can keep you accountable, and maybe then you can read up on how to actively practice the tips you chose. As you grow, then you can expand to other areas in your to improve. It’ll be a long process, but well worth it.