Beans are a versatile, healthy protein and one of my favorite foods. Beans are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals, which makes them great for weight loss and overall wellness. They can be used in everything from soups to casseroles (and even desserts). You’ll often see black beans being used in Mexican dishes like burritos or tacos because they are such good sources of protein and fiber.
Lima beans are a variety of white bean that have a distinctive oblong shape. They’re most commonly found in the U.S., but they’re also grown in India, Brazil and Peru. These legumes are high in fiber and protein; one cup contains about 18 grams of protein as well as 11 grams of fiber–more than half your daily recommended intake! Lima beans can be cooked similarly to other types of beans: boil them for about 10 minutes until tender before serving them alongside your favorite meats or vegetables (or both). Or if you want to try something new, try adding lima beans to your next batch of hummus–the flavor will add an unexpected twist!
Pinto beans are a good source of protein, fiber and iron. They also contain magnesium, potassium and zinc — which are all important minerals that you should be getting plenty of in your diet. Pinto beans provide vitamin A (as beta-carotene), B vitamins including folate, thiamin and niacin; as well as vitamin C. Pintos are low on the glycemic index scale–a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels–so they won’t cause an insulin spike like white bread does. This makes pintos an ideal choice for people with diabetes or those who want to avoid spikes in their blood sugar levels after meals since these types of foods can lead to weight gain over time if consumed regularly.
Adzuki beans are small red beans that are used in Asian cuisine. They’re a good source of protein, fiber and B vitamins. You can eat them raw or cooked–they’re often ground into flour and used to make pastes, desserts and sweets.
Mung beans are a variety of bean that originated in India. They’re also known as green gram beans, and they can be found in Indian cuisine as well as Asian cooking. Mung beans are small, yellowish-green and round with an outer shell that’s easy to remove after cooking. They have a mild flavor compared to other types of dried beans, but they’re still considered one of the most nutritious options out there–they’re high in protein and fiber but low in fat!
Kidney beans are a classic staple in many dishes. They’re high in protein, fiber, and iron–which makes them great for anyone looking to increase their dietary intake of these nutrients. Kidney beans have a unique flavor that makes them a favorite in many dishes. This particular bean is also known as Mexican red beans due to its appearance and color when cooked; it looks almost like an orange-red bean!
Coffee beans are actually the seeds of a coffee fruit. The seeds are roasted and ground to make coffee, but they’re also used in food, medicine, cosmetics and other products. Coffee beans are the second most traded commodity in the world after oil!
Soy beans are a legume that can be used in many recipes. They’re rich in protein, fiber and iron. Soybeans are also a good source of calcium, magnesium and zinc, making them an excellent addition to any diet. Soybeans contain phytoestrogens which may play a role in preventing some cancers such as breast cancer. These beneficial compounds have been shown to reduce hot flashes associated with menopause by improving bone density.
Black beans are a great source of protein and fiber. You can make black bean soup, black bean burgers, black bean tacos and black bean chili. Black beans are also rich in iron, calcium, magnesium zinc and folate.
Lentils and fayot beans (or garbanzo beans) are both a good source of protein, fiber and iron. They also contain folate which is an important vitamin for women who are pregnant or trying to conceive. Lentils are also a good source of calcium, manganese and vitamin B1, B6 and potassium. Lentils can be used in soups or stews with rice or eaten as part of a salad with other vegetables such as tomatoes or cucumbers. Fayots make great hummus when combined with tahini paste (sesame seed paste).
Chickpeas and fava beans are both types of legumes, which means they’re part of the same plant family as beans, lentils and soybeans. Chickpeas are actually a seed that grows inside its own fruit (a pod). Fava beans also grow in their own pods but have a shell instead of a shell-less seed like chickpeas do. Both chickpeas and fava beans are high in protein (6 grams per cup), fiber (7 grams per cup) and iron (7 milligrams per cup). They also contain folate (400 micrograms per cup) that helps keep your blood healthy; magnesium which helps with digestion; calcium for strong bones; zinc for immune system support; potassium for heart health–the list goes on!
Navy beans are small, oval shaped beans with a mild flavor. They’re a great source of fiber and protein, which means they can be used in soups, stews and salads. Cocoa beans are the seeds of the cacao tree–the source of all chocolate! Cocoa beans come from pods on trees that grow in tropical regions around the world. Chocolate products made from these seeds contain caffeine but also antioxidants called flavonoids (which may help lower cholesterol).
Beans are a great source of protein and fiber, as well as iron, magnesium and calcium. They’re also versatile: you can use them in soups or stews or salads, or even just on their own! I hope you enjoyed learning about the different types of beans. They are so delicious, nutritious and versatile!