If you’re in business and not using video to sell your goods and services, you’re losing business to the competition. How can I be so sure? The statistics say it all as you can see from this infographic. It offers some fascinating statistics and insights into how marketers can harness the growth in video use.
Video has been growing exponentially over the last decade. Today more than 85% of Americans watch videos every month. On average people spend six hours and 48 minutes watching online videos, an increase of 59% since 2016. This figure is set to grow. Statistics show that by 2022, 82% of internet traffic will come from video.
Smartphones have driven the growth in video content. And, consumers are not just watching a video for entertainment, 54% want to see more content from the brands that they consume.
Businesses now use this media for advertising, tutorials, showcasing their products, and showing how the products work. Video is used not just on websites but on social media platforms as well. If your video engages the audience, it will get shared and broaden the appeal of your brand.
Video marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. There are tools available on the internet and since 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the return on investment, perhaps you should be considering your options.