It is harder than hard to choose just one of these quotes, but that is what I am going to do because that is what I have set out to do.
I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
I find myself questioning things I have said to people, wondering whether or not they were childish, self-centered, or worse, untrue. An example that keeps playing out in my mind is, “You’ll never meet anyone like me.” Whatever confidence I had at that time has since been replaced with pure embarrassment. Why would I say that? How eager and conceited I must have sounded! The truth is, they will never meet someone like me because I am who I am, and I am like no one else. Sometimes we need Dr. Seuss to remind us of these things.
I’m a quote aficionado. I eat them for breakfast, for my mid-morning snack, my lunch, dinner, and sometimes back to back. That’s the truth of all truths–ask anyone I know. For a person so hungry for words, you might expect my favorites to lie in the wisdom of Emerson, Austen, or even Twain, but I can gleefully say that no one can top my man, Dr. Seuss. Suess would sling words of wisdom as if he were reading headlines from the Sunday paper. Can you do that? Seuss would say ‘yes.’ Check out this infographic. I mean exactly what I say when I say, you will love it. [via]