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Simple Ways To Improve Your Digestive Health

By | source:Here Jul 16th, 2023

It’s hard to believe, but digestive health is not just about what you eat; it’s also about how your body processes food. Your body requires a lot of energy to digest meals, especially when you eat heavily processed foods or too much fried or saturated fat. You see, the human body does not have the capability to break down every single ingredient in your food. It only splits carbohydrates (complex and simple) into glucose molecules then sends them into your blood stream for use as energy.

1. Take Less Processed Foods

Processed foods are those that have been altered from their natural state. They can be made from whole-grain flour or white flour, but they still contain additives and preservatives that may negatively affect your digestion. For example, if you’re looking at a box of cereal in the supermarket, it’s likely that the first ingredient listed is “enriched wheat flour”. This means that some of the nutrients have been removed during processing so they can be added back in later (this also makes them less expensive). The same goes for many other foods you’ll find on store shelves–they might look good and taste great, but they aren’t necessarily good for you! The best way to avoid processed foods is by reading ingredients lists carefully before buying anything new. If there are too many unfamiliar ingredients or words ending with “-ose” (like dextrose), then chances are high that what you’re buying isn’t exactly what nature intended it to be!

2. Eat More Whole Foods

Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed, or simply prepared without added salt, oil and sugar. These can be fresh fruit and vegetables or whole grains like brown rice or quinoa. The term “whole” refers to the fact that these foods contain all of their natural nutrients; nothing has been removed from them during processing (i.e., no fiber). Whole foods also tend to have more fiber than processed ones do–which means they’re better at keeping you feeling full longer so that you don’t overeat later on in the day!

3. Add More Fibers To Your Diet

Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body can’t digest, but it’s still very important for good digestion. Fiber helps to add bulk to your stool and make it softer so that it passes more easily through your digestive tract. It can also help prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis and colon cancer. Fiber comes in two forms: soluble fiber dissolves in water while insoluble fiber does not dissolve at all. Both types are good for you–it just depends on what kind of issues you’re trying to address with your diet change! Soluble fibers are best at lowering cholesterol levels while insoluble fibers help reduce constipation by adding bulk to stools so they pass more easily through the colon.*

4. Decrease Fried & Saturated Foods

Fried foods are high in saturated fats, which can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Saturated fats are also linked to an increased risk of cancer, as well as other health problems like obesity and kidney disease. To lower your intake of these harmful substances, avoid fried foods such as french fries or onion rings at restaurants by ordering grilled options instead.

5. Regularly Hydrate Yourself

Drink water. Yes, it’s that simple — but it’s also one of the best things you can do for your digestive health. Aim to drink at least 64 ounces (2 liters) of water each day and make sure that you’re getting enough fluids when exercising or if it’s hot outside. Drink enough water throughout the day so that your urine is clear or pale yellow in color — this means that your body is well hydrated!

6. Cutdown on Alcohol, Caffeine and Soda

Alcohol, caffeine and soda are diuretics. Diuretics make you pee more which means you lose water from your body. Dehydration can cause constipation and bloating.

7. Practice Conscious Eating

Eat slowly, and take your time to enjoy each bite. Focus on the food, not your phone or TV. Drink water, tea or other healthy beverages during meals. Eat mindfully and enjoy the food!

8. Chew Your Food Well

A lot of people don’t chew their food well. This can lead to a number of problems, including digestive issues, overeating and eating too fast. If you’re one of those people who tend to gobble your food down without taking time for proper chewing, here are some tips for improving your chewing habits; Chew every bite at least 20 times before swallowing it (and ideally more). This may seem like an excessive amount for some foods but it’s not only healthy but will also help slow down the process so that you don’t feel rushed or stressed when eating at work or on the go. Chew with your mouth closed while sitting upright in a relaxed position without distractions around (no TV!) Avoid drinking liquids while eating because this can cause digestion problems later on.

9. Eat Your Dinner Before 8 p.m. or Earlier

A lot of people tend to eat their dinner after 8 p.m., which means that they’re eating food right before bedtime. This can lead to indigestion and heartburn, as well as disrupted sleep patterns. When you eat a heavy meal late at night, your body has a harder time processing it all because it’s already preparing itself for sleep by slowing down its digestive system and releasing hormones that make you sleepy–so don’t rob yourself of those benefits by eating later on!

10. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to improve your digestive health. It keeps your body strong, helps prevent disease and boosts energy levels. If you can’t exercise regularly, try walking at least 10,000 steps a day–even at work! Do workout videos in the office building every day or every other day for 30 minutes each time (or just go for a walk around the office building). This will help to keep you fit and lose weight!

I hope that these tips will help you improve your digestive health and reduce symptoms of indigestion. Remember that it’s never too late to start making changes in your life! It may take some time to see results, but there is no way around it–if something is important enough for us, then we will do whatever it takes.