If you live in the US, you’ve probably noticed a surge in craft beer popularity in recent years. Nationwide, over 5000 craft breweries have opened in the past decade. Some states even have more than five breweries per capita!
Take Vermont for example. The state that brought us Ben and Jerry’s ice cream also leads the way in craft beer production with 11.5 breweries per capita. This amounts to 71 liters of beer per person every year.
Places like New Jersey, where Jaeger Bombs rule the night, are also showing signs of interest in craft beer. From 2015 until now, the number of breweries there has grown by 43%.
Of course, some states’ traditional drinks may never give way to craft beer. In Florida for example, drinking a mojito at the beach seems a lot more suitable than bringing a cooler full of stouts.
So next time you find multiple places that serve delicious brew nearby, be thankful. Not every person has the luxury of craft beer on every block. Cracking a cold one from the fridge is one thing, but tasting a glass of a freshly made masterpiece is an experience in and of its own. So get out there and support your local breweries. Cheers!