I’m sure many of us have memories of being stung by some type of insect, whether it’s a bee sting or something more severe.
Today’s infographic takes a look at the insect stings that you really want to avoid. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill bee or wasp stings. Insect stings are measured through the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, with pain levels ranging from a tiny spark on the skin (level one) to pain levels that feel like walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel (level four).
According to this infographic, the Warrior Wasp has the most painful sting in the world, with a pain level of 4. As I mentioned previously, this pain level feels like walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel and lasts up to two hours. This has to be one of the most unpleasant sensations in the world. Trailing closely behind and sharing the same pain level as the Warrior Wasp are the Tarantula Hawk and the Bullet Ant.
Given how painful these stings may be, it might be important to know how stinging insects can get inside your home. Some insects build hives/nests within houses, or simply enter when there is a way to get inside. Regardless, you should be sure to steer clear of anywhere these insects reside or you may experience one of the worst pains of your life.